Sustainable Transport

  • The Mumbai city has around 45 million trips/day and the length of the trip is 14km/person
  • The vehicular congestion in the city is around 375 vehicles/lane/km against the target of 112/lane/km
  • Vehicular transport system contributes nearly 70% of total air pollutants' load

Take a Pledge!

  • Walk or bicycle for short distances 
  • Use public transport such as buses and trains
  • Start carpooling with co-workers, family and friends
  • Follow good driving practices and carry out regular maintenance
  •  Retrofit car with Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

"Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I have hope for the human race"
H.G. Wells
August 2024
12 : International Youth Day

Conceived and Developed by:
Environmental Management Centre EMC LLP for Mumbai Metropolitan Region - Environment Improvement Society