Energy Efficiency

  • The present demand of electricity in 1,931 MW/day and it is expected to go up to 6,680 MW/day
  • Major increase of 3512 MW/day will be seen in other corporations by the year 2051 followed by 2197 MW/day in Greater Mumbai and 971 MW/day in Municipal Councils

Conservation is Power

  • Switch off appliances from the main plug switch when not in use 
  • Use energy efficient lighting such as Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
  • Buy ’Energy Star’ rated appliances like refrigerators, fans, washing machines, and air conditioners
  • Follow energy efficient cooking practices such as cooking in covered containers or pressure cookers, keeping burner clean

"We need to push ourselves to make as many reductions as possible in our own energy use first...and that takes time. But we must do this quickly... The climate will not wait for us."
Rupert Murdoch
December 2024
02 : National Pollution Prevention Day
05 : World Soil Day
10 : World Human Rights Day
14 : National Energy Conservation Day

Conceived and Developed by:
Environmental Management Centre EMC LLP for Mumbai Metropolitan Region - Environment Improvement Society