Start date
October, 2004

Completion Date
March, 2007

Powai, Mumbai

The study aims to develop an Environmental Management Plan for heavily polluted Patalganga and Rasayani Region. This study has been restricted to 5 kms. on both the sides of the Patalganga River. It would interpret the landuse & land covers based on satellite imageries, and also estimate the Regions carrying capacity with respect to air and water.
The main objectives of the project was to establish baseline environment status of the Patalganga region in terms of air, water and land pollution; to establish ecological status of the Patalganga region in terms of flora and fauna, bio-diversity etc., to prepare short term and long term action plan for improving environmental quality of the Region; to establish co-relation between current environmental quality and human health and to examine proposals of the Regional Plan for MMR to identify adverse environmental impacts.