Completion Date
August, 2006

Powai, Mumbai


The project involves amelioration i.e. treatment/rejuvenation of land spoilt by industrial effluents using plant based technique known as phyto-remediation.
Phyto-remediation is an in-situ technology where in the selected species of high growth plants/shrubs/grasses/trees are utilized for remediation of the contaminated site. This requires a minimum input of fresh soil and fertilizers for initial acclimatization of the saplings to the new stressful and uncertain environment. The plant species selected were; Populus, Terminalia arjuna and Polyalthia longifolia. The principle of of this process is to direct uptake by the plants (Hyperaccumulators), evapotranspiration, phtostablization, phtotransformation with the help of root exudates. Thus, the objective of the project is to demonstrate the possibility of using phyto-remediation, an insitu technology for bringing life back to the soil spoilt by industrial effluents and also materialise the cost effectiveness and technical feasibility of the same.
The main objective of the project is to clean up the sites spoilt by disposal of industrial effluents by undertaking a feasibility study of using bio-remediation/ phyto-remediation. Also, prepare a report for developing technical knowhow for green belt design on degraded or spoilt soil sites.
The scope of the project included;
- Identification of spoilt land based on preliminary site investigation and establish site history.
- Assessment of severity of soil contamination
- Carrying out bi-assessment testing in the laboratory to establish the feasibility of bioremediation technology
- Development of design criteria for bio-remediation technology
- Undertake pilot scale testing of bio-remediation technology on a small land spoilt by industrial effluent discharge